Shared Libraries

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the library remains closed.
Our library room is likely the first thing one encounters when entering soft/WALL/studs. Here, shared libraries inhabit the space, its material reflecting the different interests of both our collective and friends on coterminous paths. As the most visible and cosy room of the space, we hope to make this a welcoming, comfortable, and quiet place to dwell in and read or rest with.
Part of the collection is made up of books some of us in the group have shared. They range across poetry, fiction, theory, research, artist’s books, mongraphs, exhibition publications, and magazines, covering our different concerns in visual art, writing, anthropology, history, design, politics, farming, film, and so on.
wares infoshop library was a project we hosted from late 2017 to February 2021. Sharing the library room, its volunteers prepared the space and material for visits several days every week (before the pandemic) and facilitated common use of the space for one-off activities like meetings and reading groups.

For more information on wares and future plans, check out the various things they’ve put out on their blog, instagram, facebook, or twitter, all on their linktree. The infoshop’s current books (though excluding zines and other loose material) are catalogued online.
Our library room also plays host to part of Stefano Harney’s library while he’s out of town—this collection features a large number of books on Black Studies and the Black Radical Tradition, a list may be found here.
Our libraries’ books are currently not for lending, though a system is being designed. We also regretably note that the library room has an old-style narrow doorway that is not wheelchair accessible for the moment.